Thursday, June 7, 2007

Holy Crap!?!

So I decided a week ago I was done with my job. Absolutely positively done. I'd had my review 2 weeks ago where I found out there was no job growth or career path planned for me for the next 3-5 years. It was expected that I would stay in my current position & just take on more product.

We discussed what I enjoyed about my current position & what I did not. I explained how I liked the hands-on part & working with other on getting the fit consistent & appropriate to the customer.

The less than a week after my review, my boss informs me that they are dividing my fit responsibility out among myself & 2 other people and that I would be taking on significantly more product.

And that was when I decided I was done. So Ben spent some time looking for jobs for me & I spent Saturday afternoon looking as well. There was only 1 posting that I was qualified for & interested in. But I also emailed several companies who were not looking.

All because I am so desperate to get out of my current position.

Well, I had an interview today with Gaiam (the yoga company). They are looking for a soft goods manager who would be responsible for their apparel product along with bedding, towels, etc. They are seriously understaffed & it is a new position they are creating. I could make it what I want & can focus more on design if I want. The job is in Broomfield which still means a 1/2 hour commute but she was appalled when I told her how many hours I normally work & said they never work that much. So it may not be that bad even with a longer commute.

AND I have 2 more interviews on Monday with 2 other companies who are VERY interested!!! Holy crap, I so was not expecting to actually be able to move on from my current job. And not only will I be able to, now it is looking like I will have my choice of where I want to work! I never would have expected this.


ellen said...

I'm glad the interview went well! I hope they offer you a job.

Coni Sanders said...

HOLY CRAP!!!!!! Congratulations - it is a great feeling to know that you are wanted and needed at work, when you don't feel that way - it is time to leave.

Congrats girl!!!!
