Wednesday, May 2, 2007

And the best husband award goes to....

.... Ben Grisinger!!!!

So I have the best husband in the world. Last night he took me on a surprise date to go see Dirty Dancing in the theaters. I had seen a preview for it last week during Grey's Anatomy. I called Ellen & told her she needed to move back here so we could go see it together. She's the only other person I know who loves the movie as much as I do :)

Since that didn't work out, Ben bought tickets & surprised me with them. Instead of previews they had this rather dumb Dirty Dancing Past & Present bit. But other than that it was fun. Ben even liked the movie (though he probably wouldn't admit that now). There were a total of 4 guys in the theater; all with wives or girlfriends.

Yes, I know that I am a dork :)

1 comment:

ellen said...

Hurray for Ben!