Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Day!!!

So first, happy birthday to my sister Margaret. Unfortunately she does not get to celebrate tonight because she has class. But we will celebrate this weekend.

And happy anniversary to Dan & Ellen. Hope you celebrate your long, happy marriage.

And finally, for the final reason today is a happy day.... Ben went to a chiropractor today who is an atlas orthogonal specialist & the doctor believes within the next month that he will be able to significantly improve Ben's headache. Oh, and he is 1 of 300 specialists in the world who practice this.

How did we find this random specialist? It all came from a book I read from the library over the weekend, Life Beyond Headaches. The way he described the headaches caused by the C1 vertebrae being off was almost an exact description of the last 2 years of our life. And the passage at the end of the book is one of my favorite Irish blessings:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand

I know it sounds corny, but to me it was a sign that we needed to pursue this further. And now we are very close to not only knowing the cause of the problem, but knowing what we need to do to treat it. And no more medicines to treat the symptoms and the lovely side effects they come with. But some solid answers & improvement in the problem!!!

Definitely a good day :)

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